The inner you ,(the most perfect)!

images (4)Many times people represent themselves as a complete replica of what they are in social gatherings or when compelled to show their worth sometimes by the family members themselves . They tell them the tales they havent read themselves ,but is known to them by some source or friend ,only to raise the standard , in front of the large group of people. Perks of being yourself sometimes take guts and not alone confidence . And in this circle of pretending to be someone else people forget their own strength , and loose confidence . They keep their discoveries ,thoughts ,within themselves and this non sharing qaulity wrecks their lives in future .this happens mostly when a person is shy . Shyness is a qauality that doesnt allow one to be what they are . And hence leave them un recognized . Last days i recollected a movie cum poem invictus , in the movie nelson mandela is the protogonist whose life has been revealed in the simplest way . How he after spending years of his life in prison because of racial discrimination then in south africa ,and how he later on becomes the president of SOUTH AFRICA is inspiring .one should take and look on these great personalities and with the cup of strength one should break the doors of being shy and let the glasses of the captain lead their future life .